Flipboard: Your Magazine v1.9.6 build 170 (update)
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Overview: Flipboard s toger world news social news a beaiful magazine.
Flipboard’s award-winn experience lets people see everyth place.
By toger world’s stories life’s great moments, stay up date ths matter most. Flip through news from Twitter timeline ll from lets BBC, USA To The Verge. See everyth from posts photos shared by Facebook Instagram videos from Stephen Colbert pop culture nuggets from Roll Stone. Find inspiration travel, style life from places National Geographic, Oprah Cool Hunng.
It’s th simplify daily life. Br Flipboard train dur morn comme, catch up over coffee vacation, use it a tool at work simply wind down night. Search anyth anyone, it own.
You’ll be amazed by see.
NOTE: T optimized smartphones, not tablets.
- Webby Award Winner Social categories, ll People’s Voice Award (2011, 2012)
- WIRED magazine Essenal App (2011)
- TechCrunch Cruchies—Best Touch Interface (2011)
- Gannett Foundation Award Techni Innovation Service of Digital Journalism (2011)
- TIME Magazine 50 Best Invenons (2010)
★ Be amazed by see when everyth people are shar, collect publish every moment comes toger a sle place.
★ Search anyth—people, topics, hashtags, blogs, favorite sites— flip through arcles, updates, photos videos a beaiful magazine mat.
★ Connect Flipboard 12 social networks, streamlin read activities commenng, lik shar. Services include Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google+, YouTube, Google Reader, LinkedIn, Flickr, 500px, Sina Weibo Renren.
★ Get a quick dose of ’s hen now, Cover Stories, a constantly updated selection of arcles, photos videos shared by .
★ Save anyth read later us Instapaper, Pocket Readability.
★ Create a Flipboard account access favorite content social networks different shared devices.
★ Enjoy Flipboard 14 loized editions— Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Korea, Nerlands, Spain, Taiwan, U.S. U.K.
★ Explore hundreds of staff picks Content Guide, includ must-read magazines blogs, gorgeous photography special curated sections devoted news of topics of interest.
★ Access Flipboard quickly through widget.
Connect us: Visit us at http://www.flipboard.com email us at support@flipboard.com. Follow us at @flipboard Twitter Facebook athttp://www.facebook.com/flipboard.
What’s t version:
- Improved navigation within sections, visible when tap section’s name
- Easier access Google Reader feeds folders
- In- hints expose helpful functionality
- New shopp cart features (Gilt Taste section)
- Improved permance bug fixes
T has no adversements
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