Financial Accounng Pro v2.3.1 ¤¤ Requirements By Download Apk Files | Android s | Android Market | Android 1.5+ ¤¤ Requirements By Download Apk Files | Android s | Android Market | Financial Accounng Pro a financial/business double-entry accounng small medium businesses. It an ad-free advanced version of Financial Accounng Free. ¤¤ 

¤¤ Financial Accounng Pro a financial/business double-entry accounng small medium businesses. It an ad-free advanced version of Financial Accounng Free. ¤¤ FA Pro has porful, -built features are designed meet needs of business. Its simple user interface allows maintain company books. It based professional accounng principles ensure balanced books accurate reports. ¤¤ Just enter daily vouchers let FA Pro double-entry accounng. ¤¤ Key Features: ¤¤ Mulple companies support ¤¤ Maintain individual ledgers/accounts ¤¤ Enter daily transactions (unlimited) ¤¤ Enter tax vouchers, view tax compation file tax returns ¤¤ Alter/Delete vouchers ¤¤ Aomatic compation of profit/loss ¤¤ View reports (Trial Balance, P&L A/C, Trad A/C, Balance Sheet etc.) period specified ¤¤ Backup restore data ¤¤ Export reports PDF/CSV ¤¤ Inventory Management: ¤¤ Create individual inventory items own units of measure. ¤¤ Record purchase/sale/purchase return/sales return voucher entries of se items. ¤¤ Aomatic valuation of clos inventory based FIFO. ¤¤ Inventory Summary display clos value of each inventory item. ¤¤ Detailed reports of each inventory item. ¤¤ Upcom features: ¤¤ Support more eign languages. ¤¤ [LINK][/LINK ¤¤