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Friday, September 28, 2012

Free ¤¤Battery Widget? Reborn! Pro v1.0.17/PRO (1.0.17/PRO) Android Apk App

Battery Widget? Reborn! Pro v1.0.17/PRO

Requirements By Download Apk Files | Android Apps | Android Market | Uapkfiles.blogspot.com: Android 2.3 up

Overview: T Pro version of Battery Widget? Reborn! lication.

Application features

T provides follow functionality:

Battery widget

- circle battery level indicator indicator perfectly fits pure Android design

- resizable Android 4.x+

- support both main external dock battery (Asus Transmer only)

Basic battery info

- Battery Info

- Shortcs Por-Summary/Background Sync/Wifi/BT Setngs

Status bar notification of battery status

- mulple icon styles

- prediction (estimation) how long battery lasts

- customizable ts notification area (estimated left, voltage, temperature, battery health)

Por sav functionality

- aomatic airplane mode dur night (simple b porful battery saver functionality)

Charg discharg chart

Extended notifications support Jelly Bean phones

- optional charg discharg chart

- por related toggles:

- Wifi

- Bluetooth

- Background Sync

- Airplane mode

- customizable notification priority

Holo mes interface phones Android 2.3+

Specific HW vendor support

- supports Motorola 1% increment

- supports Asus Transmer secondary (dock) battery

Installation operation notes


- Task Killer Task Manager may affect t . Please don’t use m if does not work expected

- App highly optimized DOES NOT drain battery

- Known issues are at http://www.batterywidgetreborn.com/known-bugs.html  prioritize bug fixes enhancements re by vot

- Frequently asked questions are at http://www.batterywidgetreborn.com/faq.html, look re bee send support request

- Due limitation of Android platm, homescreen widgets will NOT be available if lication moved SD card.

- Some devices indicate battery level every 10% due ir kernel design (known ones are: most Motorola devices includ Droid Atrix series, Samsung Moment series). Try use Motorola 1% hack feature if phone among se devices

- In Android 4.0, stem may shrink dim level indicator icons status bar.

UI more less translated German, Chinese, Dch, Polish, English, French, Czech, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese Russian.

Voluntere translations at http://translations.hubalek.net//bwr

Which version download?


- All flavors of are Ads free.

- Download Battery Widget? Reborn! (BETA) if want evaluate wher it fits needs.

- Download Battery Widget? Reborn! Pro if want support development.

- Freemium Lite version com soon.

What’s t version:

- list of bugfixes visit http://www.batterywidgetreborn.com/k…ugs.html#fixed

- added languages (Slovak, Danish)

- READ PHONE STATE permission required because of http://www.batterywidgetreborn.com/k…ml?ticketId=20

T has NO adversement

More Info:




You Are Read Free ¤¤Battery Widget? Reborn! Pro v1.0.17/PRO (1.0.17/PRO) Android Apk App Permalink Site http://uapkfiles.blogspot.com/2012/09/free-battery-widget-reborn-pro-v1017pro.html
Hope This Article Free ¤¤Battery Widget? Reborn! Pro v1.0.17/PRO (1.0.17/PRO) Android Apk App will help you.